Another Reason to Love Ultralight Tackle-LARGEMOUTH BASS!


Guess what happens when you hook a 7lb Bass on your ultralight rod! ACTION! This video reminds me why I love my ultralight tackle,  a 7 pounder is a big boy by any standards, but with the light tackle it becomes a catch to remember. BIG, HEALTHY 7Lb+ LARGEMOUTH BASS ON ULTRA LIGHT TACKLE RESUSCITATE […]

UltraLight Fishing Tips You Need to Know this Spring, Picking an UltraLight Rod, Where to Fish, and What to Use.


I thought I had a rod that combined casting distance and action, until my fishing pal came back from Gander Mountain with a new $80 set up and landed 15 fish to my 3!

Hammering Panfish With


This is a Panfish Video I put together containing footage from my last 3 fishing adventures. I got a lot of footage and caught well over 100 fish but I narrowed the footage down to 5 fish per location. I fished at Lake Washington, American Lake, and Swofford Pond! I caught Bluegills, Rock Bass, and […]

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