
Ultralight Fishing | Ultimate ultralight lure, reel, rod news | Tag Archive | boats

Fishing Kayak

More and more people are choosing to use a fishing kayak as their primary means of reaching the water, and they are quickly learning that there are a lot of benefits to using fishing kayaks over stinkpots, or larger gas motor powered boats. There are a lot of advantages to using fishing kayaks over large […]

Fishing Kayaks Being Flipped

So, I get asked this question quite often actually, here at Edge Stuff. Are fishing kayaks easily flipped? And my answer is always yes, no, and maybe. I know this still seems confusing to some, but I will go into further detail into each of the answers, and why things are that way. At different […]

Fishing Charter

Before you go out and select a fishing charter, you are first going to want to think about exactly what it is that you need to have a charter for? Are you looking to go out for a day, of catching fish, without having to deal with the gear cleaning afterwards? Or do you need […]