You will probably own two types of fly fishing nets in your fishing rig inventory. The first is a short handle net that attaches to your fly fishing vest magnetically, with Velcro, or with a spring loaded cable spool that clips on to the vest. The other net being a long handled net for fishing […]
While Perception kayaks aren’t typically known for kayak fishing, and they actually don’t even supply any rigging necessary for a great day on the water, through the manufacturer, the fact still remains that you can easily modify these fine boats, for an excellent time, as long as you have the patience, and the ingenuity. We […]
Buying the right kayak paddle can mean the difference between a successful kayak fishing trip, and one that goes down in the record books as a day of chaos. There is a huge variety of kayak paddles on the market, and many beginning anglers, even seasoned kayak anglers get confused about the options provided, but […]