Fly fishing guides are available every where the fisherman can look. There are guides that give steps on how to buy the right fly fishing reels, fly fishing rods, as well as offering new techniques and secret tips for the fisherman from levels of beginner to pro. The beginner’s guide to fly fishing helps the […]
Fishing flies are a necessity when you are fly fishing. The right flies will help you catch the type of fish that you are looking for wherever you may be fishing at the time. Fly fishing flies come in all types of colors, shapes, and sizes. You will want to research the types of flies […]
There are a lot of manufacturers of fishing and angling kayaks, but one really separates themselves from the competition. Perception Kayak began building fishing boats in the mid 1970’s using fiberglass for their primary means of construction. They released a few models that sold incredibly well, and ended up making quite the name for themselves […]
Fishing in ponds requires a different technique than fishing off of a boat. You have to remain quiet on the bank, and make precise casts. Here are a few tips to help you catch more fish on the pond!
This question comes up often. What length rod should I use for ultralight fishing? It isn't an easy answer though. There is a couple things to consider about length when choosing a new rod. Some people believe that you must use a short rod in the 4 1/2 foot to 5 foot length.