Ultralight Reel Catching Channel Catfish – Video


Bud’s BFF Adventure 1: catching a 20-inch catfish on an Mitchell 308 ultra-light spinning reel. West Fork of the Monongahela in Monongah, WV.

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6 Responses to “Ultralight Reel Catching Channel Catfish – Video”

  1. mmmmmarcus says:

    That’s awesome, I just caught a 22 incher from a small lake on an UL, too!

  2. TheFoundersWereRight says:

    Last Year I hooked a 17.5 to 18 inch Channel on an Ultra light Rod with a Mepps Black Fury. Fun Catching them like that.

  3. n1ck342 says:

    i caught a 20 inch catfish a couple weeks ago. these things are frigin huge and it was atleast 10 pounds and i caught it with a crappy rod and some 25 lb line. i was surprised. btw im 13

  4. coolballer8 says:

    good lookin fish

  5. Zoth77 says:

    This is the West Fork near Fairmont, WV. If you’re thinking about tubing near Fairmont, try the Tygart in stead (it’s a little cleaner).

  6. chrismanadventures says:

    Nice catch! We plan on taking our kids tubing this summer. Where was this video done at?

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