What is a good ultralight spinning combo?

Kiet asked:

I am looking for a ultralight spinning combo that holds up to 8 lb test. I like fishing regularly in my stocked pond which contains crappie, bream, and bass. I would like to use 4-5 in. lures and cast them far. I’d like a good fight from the 1-3 lb bass in there.
$60; lures like a bitsy minnow, small beetle spin, small jointed shad rapala, and stuff like that I meant smaller but whatever

ultralight fishing

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2 Responses to “What is a good ultralight spinning combo?”

  1. Sonny H says:

    Caffeinated Content

    i like the shake spear micro spin. i use braided line and its 8 lb test, real strong line.

  2. Caffeinated Content

    No offense, but using 8lb line and casting 4 – 5″ lures isn’t ultralight at all. How much are you willing to spend?

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