"fishing trip"

Ultralight Fishing | Ultimate ultralight lure, reel, rod news | Tag Archive | fishing trip

Kayak Fishing Trip

If you have been thinking about planning your first kayak fishing trip, here are a few tips to help you enjoy the outdoors, and arrive back home safely.First, figure out where you want to begin your first kayak trip. Once you figure out what kind of river or creek, or even set of islands that […]

Mexico Fishing Trips

When it comes to Mexico fishing, many people would agree that Mexico would be the ideal country to visit to undertake a fishing trip that is bound to delight every type of fisherman. As a result of Mexico’s popularity every year thousands of people travel to enjoy what is considered one of the world’s greatest […]

Fishing Vacation

Are you ready for that Fishing Vacation? Well, if you are, then you need to begin planning your trip now. Fishing trips are the perfect dreams for the heart strong angler. Whether you love lake, stream, ocean, or pond, the options are bountiful. Your vacation can be a day trip or two weeks of daily […]

Fishing Trips

Fishing trips are a timeless activity, for those looking to relax with friends, deepen family bonds, or just take a break from the daily grind by escaping into nature for a while. The options for fishing trips are endless- from a quick jaunt at a nearby creek to a luxury vacation aboard a private yacht; […]

Alaska Fishing Trip

The greatest thrill of a lifetime is to experience Alaskan Fishing. The pristine surroundings, the untouched rivers and lakes, turns a fishing trip into an adventure. Whatever your skill level is, fishing in Alaska is sure to meet your greatest expectations. Alaska provides the fisherman with more than 627 species of fish. The state has […]

Where Ultralight Line Tends To Fail

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It has happened to every ultralight fishing angler at one point in time or another. You've finally gotten the trophy fish on the end of your hook, then whammo, busted off. This happens a lot, especially when the fishing is good. You can avoid breaking off more fish by knowing what causes ultralight line to give way so easily.