Fly fishing nymphs are very small, and beginners as well as expert fly fishermen have a little bit of trouble with this particular technique. Most all of the different techniques used in fly fishing can be tough but not as tough as nymph fishing, it could even possibly be the most difficult technique. If your […]
The best that can be said about finding and purchasing fly fishing flies, is that you are really opening a can of worms. All kidding aside, there are literally thousands of flies to chose from, and they can cost any where from forty cents a piece to the sky is the limit. First you will […]
Most people don’t realize about bamboo fly fishing rods that are made of one hundred percent natural bamboo and metal reinforcements. These bamboo rods have a strength as well as a way of bending in a natural way that makes them ideal for catching any type of fish. These particular fishing rods are considered to […]
When beginning fly fishing be sure to take the time to do your research so you will know what the right equipment is to buy as well as any other accessories. One thing many beginners don’t take into consideration is the purchase of a balanced fly fishing outfit that will help them catch the type […]
Be careful when purchasing cheap fishing flies because they may look good while at the boot of the line but could also easily fall apart after hitting the water. The lures or flies used in fly fishing are two main ones that are used in different ways and under different conditions. Even like traditional fishing […]
Do you really need a fly fishing guide? Chances are, if you are looking at your local waters in dismay, and cannot catch fish to save your soul, then you may as well need the services of a qualified fishing guide. However, for most anglers, instead of sinking down money on a guide in your […]