"fishing equipment"

Ultralight Fishing | Ultimate ultralight lure, reel, rod news | Tag Archive | fishing equipment

2017 Ultralight Fishing Gear A Taste of What This Year Has In Store

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Ultralight Fishing With the Right Rod, Line and Swimming Grubs-Catch alot of Fish!

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In this age of information we're able to talk to millions of fishermen in real time. Instead of watching tv commercials and buying every lure because they say it works, we can just check out a company online. So we've decided to take a new approach at some of our featured tips and tricks. Lets learn about fishing with artifical grubs, and how to catch a bunch of Bass the Ultralight Fishing way!

Learning More About Angling

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Angling can take on many different forms and can be as simple as catching perch with a cane pole, as complex as flyfishing, or high pressure like tournament bass fishing. However, each type of fishing requires different fishing gear. Angling equipment depends on the type of fish you want to catch and where you’ll […]

Crappie Fishing Pole

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How to stream line your crappie fishing poles without spending a lot of money. When your crappie fishing it is very important to have the right crappie fishing equipment or you probably will go home empty handed. Don’t you hate it when everyone around you seems to know how to catch crappie but you […]

Best Fly Line

A fly line is the fishing wire that is used to cast a hook into the water and to pull back with the reel a fish. There are different types of fly fishing lines that can be purchased according to length, thickness, and material. You should consult with an experienced fly fisher or an instructor […]

Sage Fishing

Dedicated to making a fisherman’s trip easier, and with great equipment available, sage fishing goods are a must. Sage fishing is an online fishing site that sells equipment and offers advice. They sell everything from the equipment to the apparel that is needed and wanted by fisherman. Sage fly fishing goods can be anything, from […]