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Best Fly Fishing Book

Even though it is proven that experience is the best way to learn how to fish, a good fly fishing book is also a great way to develop a foundation. If you have any intentions of enjoying the sport, and catching a lot of fish, you are going to have to learn a lot. Fly […]

Fly Fishing Reels

There are quite a few different fly fishing reels on the market these days, but to ensure that you make the right buying decision, there are a couple of things that you have to think about. Not all reels are made the same, and a lot of beginning fly anglers have problems when they head […]

Fly Fishing Casting

When you are a beginner fly fishermen, there are a lot of things that are going through your head. Unfortunately for a lot of anglers, fly fishing casting techniques seem to be just out of reach. Thankfully, casting a fly properly, and putting it in the precise location is not near as hard as most […]

Fly Fishing DVD

When it comes to choosing the right fly fishing DVD, a lot of anglers often have problems. With so many choices on the market, it really is hard to decide which one is the best fly fishing DVD, and what ones probably won’t teach you much. In order to make the best decision, make sure […]

Fly Fishing Video

When reading is no longer sufficient, and anglers are looking for more advice, while being unable to get out on the water. Fly fishing videos provide exactly the training anglers are looking for. Not just any videos though, videos from experienced anglers, and other fishermen getting out on the water on a regular basis, can […]

Fly Fishing Nymphs

Fishing flies are usually designed around imitating certain types of bugs, or forage in the area that you are fishing. Fly fishing nymphs, on the other hand, are used to mimic the juvenile stage of these aquatic insects. When you are using nymphs for fly fishing, you are going to be fishing under the waters […]