
Ultralight Fishing | Ultimate ultralight lure, reel, rod news | Tag Archive | trout

Trout Fly Fishing

Trout fishing isn’t necessarily difficult, but there are a few key mistakes that fly fishing trout enthusiasts make. If you follow the tips included here on each outing, you will have a much easier time catching your favorite species, but also a much more comfortable time. First, you always have to be conscious of your […]

Fly Fishing Salmon

Fly fishing salmon is one of the ways that this type of gear originally came about. Fly fishing salmon and trout use artificial flies, and while the sport is generally easy enough to master, there are quite a few anglers that are going to be looking for tips, for how to catch their favorite target […]

Fly Fishing Vests

When it comes time to loading down your fly fishing vests, there are a few things that you are going to want to make sure that you have included. Having these tools on you while you are on the water will easily make the difference between you having a great day, and one that you […]

Fishing Flies

When it comes to fly fishing, there is no better time than creating your own fishing flies to use, and actually having a successful fishing trip while using them. Buying your fly fishing flies can easy cost you a lot of money, over the course of your angling years, but thankfully, tying your own fishing […]

Fly Fishing Nymphs

Fishing flies are usually designed around imitating certain types of bugs, or forage in the area that you are fishing. Fly fishing nymphs, on the other hand, are used to mimic the juvenile stage of these aquatic insects. When you are using nymphs for fly fishing, you are going to be fishing under the waters […]

Planning to goTrout Fishing, Norteast Iowa?

Noah_jw asked: Hello, a group of my friends figured we would go try some trout fishing in northeast iowa. The problem is none of us have the slightest clue on how to catch trout.. So i was wondering a few things,, we are going to go the last wknd in June, i was wondering what […]