Pen Style Fishing Rod That Fits in your Pocket….
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An ultra light fishing kit that is inspired by the Dave Canterbury fishing kit.
great for lightweight campers, ill have videos on using it
Tags: campers, canterbury, Fishing, fishing rod, fishing rods, Mini, pen style, Ultra Light
I drilled a hole in the cap, but be careful not to remove the seal inside the cap. After that just threaded a small diameter cordage through the hole and tide a simple knot. I’ve found that heating up a needle and melting it through the cap works best. Thanks for watching.
just bought the little pain reliever container, about to start building mine 😀 thanks for the idea
that hand strap looks like essential. how is it tightened?
thanks for your post. Small kit is for sure. This is one of several kits I use in my survival kit that I pack with me all the time. It’s always better to be able to pack a little more if possible. This is more for an altoids kit carried in your pocket. Appreciate the post!
it seems small it also seems hard to hold my fishing kit is 5 inchs but any way if its good for u then nice job
what a gr8 video. im gonna make one for sure ty karen
Hey thanks man that’s a good idea
Yea thats under Murphys fishing law ! lol
Good Video. Quite the clever idea with the pill bottle.
It always happens when someone is watching! LOL
Good job ! Practice and you wont get the trees ! Remember that alot of fish are very close to shore anyhow.
hey, nice vids, if you sub, I’ll sub back!
прикольный хуй.
ur holding it upsidedown
Where did you buy that… mine broke and i am looking for another
the penfish rod reel sucks!
@3:30 if i saw you in person i would probly punch you for using your gear like that. JS
its a midget rod
hi where you find the key chain ones they are neat and the spinning and fly reel goes upside down the suppose to hang below the rod
Were did u get the pen rod
no need to apologize:)
Sry. i thought he was showing us how to use it.
why dont you watch the video and find out?
he was just demonstrating it, the handle gets in the way of the reel, he just wanted a better shot
U do not know how to use a fly reel ==” face down!!!
How did the rod hold up? Didn’t see any videos of u fishing with it. Thinking about getting one but just wanted to know if it lasted.
how much is this pen rod with the fly reel it comes with
Yeah both reels were up side down… And the key chains are for show not use
i have the same one its 48 inches!
That’s cool, but it’s a lot smaller than a 57″ inch Pen Rod Extreme or a 63″ inch Goliath by Penfishingrods,com
dude not to be mean but the reels at the end… dont even bother, putting them in a kit good for a joke but just use a hand line, by the way your home made fishing pole with reel is great!
is this the gold or blue suntek one???
It’s great and all, until we get to the part where you have both the spinning and fly reel upside down… Isn’t holding it up kinda a problem weight wise? just throwing this out…