Ultralight fishing or just “normal fishing”?
SEA asked:
I am trying to choose between ultarlight spinning rod, or just light or medium spinning rod. Well.. I wanted to get the ultra light spinning rod but because ultra light spinning rod uses 5 lb or less pound test lines so i am worrying if i might lose fish… what do you think?
Tags: Fish, Fishing, Pound Test, spinning rod, test lines
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i dunno…
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i dont use a fishing rod i go noodleing
ultralight fishing
How about going out to fly fishing on the idea o.k.
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I like the ultra light. The fun is fighting the fish. Have your drag set proper and you will be in good shape.
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Well…..haven’t fished for a while.
But, ask yourself-“do I want to catch fish more, or have more fun?”
If the object of your trip is to get meat…I would go heavier, if its mostly to play and have fun…then lighter.
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It depends on the type of fish you are pursuing. If you are targeting fish that seldom get 2 pounds or more, I do it. The problem with medium action if you’re “pan fishing”, is that you often pull it right out of their mouth, and the softer bites are often missed.
I favor a “light action”, because you’re still able to get a soft enough hook set on crappies and bluegill, but a strong enough pull if you are fishing tougher mouthed fish. I’ve landed up to 6 lb largemouth, and 8-10 lb channel cats on 6 lb line and a light action rod. Always have your drag set on the low side, it’s easier to get the fish in if he hasn’t broke you line 🙂
ultralight fishing
depends what your’e fishing for if pike go for the medium one as you will need to use heavier line
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Ultra light is only for fishermen who know what they are doing. You have to keep your drag light and be patient when bringing in a fish
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you will find the ultra light rods will give you more fun to the fight. with the drag set properly you should not loss many more fish. but have more fight ( fun ). try using 4 or6 Lb. test premium line like tectan premium plus. have fun!
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It depends on both your fishing skill and what you’re fishing for. If you’re fishing for northern pike obviously you don’t want an ultralight outfit. Ultralight rods are usually fitted with 4 lb test line. I’ve caught 6.5 lb bass on my ultralight and it felt like a whale, again one of the benefits. Like I said you’ll lose a lot more fish on an ultralight so it all depends on your skill and quarry. Just go buy one of each, that’s what I have.
Like everybody else says – what’s your target fish and what are your goals?
UL if you want to have the most fun and the most challenge.
Heavier if you’re trying to fill up your freezer with meat and you don’t really like fishing that much anyway. 😉
UL fishing is a more than specialized skill in fishing – it pays off with more excitement and challenge in landing a fish from panfish to muskie. You have to learn ‘normal’ fishing skills/strategies/tactics as a baseline knowledge/experience to make the transition to UL fast tracked.
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Depending on your experience with drags and the type fishing you do , I would say that it is very likely that you will lose some fish.
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i try to use line ten pounds or more because a big fish just might bite