In this article, I will explain to you how to properly set the drag on your ultralight fishing rod open reel. This is essential when using ultralight fishing lines because if the drag is set too stiff, you will snap the line. If it is too loose, you will never be able to put enough pressure on the fish, to get him to the bank, or boat.
When it comes to ultralight fishing, there aren’t many choices for reels. Once you throw out the low quality ones, you are left with even fewer choices for an ultralight fishing rod open reel that meets your needs. We can discard baitcasters for the time being, because the true ultralight baitcaster is far too expensive for most peoples taste.
In this edition, I will tell you 5 baits that I believe you must have in your ultralight fishing tackle box! There are a couple old ones in there, but they are classics that still work today. So the next time you pick up your ultralight fishing rod, make sure these are in your tackle box!
In this article I want to discuss a few ultralight fishing manufacturers that really have their game together in terms of putting out quality products, and listening to exactly what it is that the anglers, us, really want from their products. After all, this is the best way to get us to purchase them, right?
If ultralight fishing is your thing, then summertime is your best chance to catch the bigger aggressive fish in the pond. Summertime temperatures are increasing outside, and in the waters that you fish, and most people think they the bass are getting lethargic, and will only chase large 12″ roboworms, this time of year.
Ultralight fishing is by far one of the best ways to catch a large number of fish, ranging in species from catfish, sunfish, crappie, bass, and so many more. There are a bunch of reasons why ultra light fishing has taken off, and continues to gain popularity as each year passes.