UltraLight Fishing Tips You Need to Know this Spring, Picking an UltraLight Rod, Where to Fish, and What to Use.


Getting a new ultralight rod? Find out how much does the type of  fishing rod you use impact how many fish you catch, and how much action will you get?

Now Go Catch Some Fish! Its spring and every so often we old timers need to know how ultralight fishing tackle keeps evolving. Another good point is the ever changing baits. No, the concepts are the same. Light rod means more action, I know, believe me, I thought I had a rod that combined casting distance and action, until my fishing pal came back from Gander Mountain with a new $80 set up and landed 15 fish to my 3! So, what did I learn? The lighter the rod the more action it imparted onto the lure, he bought a new Fox Lure with what looks like a shiny silver minnow spinner on it, me I used my trusty Eppinger.

Pick the right ultralight rod, and you WILL catch More Fish!

Pick the right rod, and you WILL catch More Fish!

I consistently caught Pike, he caught Pike, Bass, Crappie and Bluegill. Sit back and watch our new video here and go get some new tackle. Or at least pay attention to where we’re fishing and especially pay attention to the new lures. Yes we all have an old 1970’s crawdad in our box, but for crying out loud a new one is worth the investment! Now if you have a tight budget, worms and minnows still work! If you’re on a really tight budget then instead of buying bait, dig your worms and catch your own minnows! A good friend of mine at Fishing Tips For Dummies recommends making a simple minnow trap out of coke bottles! The old days of heavy metal frogs are gone, got one of those? I’d like to hear from any old timers out there still using fishing lures pre 1970 and what they have the best luck with and do they compare with new ones!

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